A review by mangeusedelivres
Signs & Symbols of the World: Over 1,001 Visual Signs Explained by D.R. McElroy


Soooo.... this book has a great onjective in my opinion, reunite "all" the symbols of the world in a book is handy. Except this book is not handy at all, the organisation is messy and non user-friendly. For example, the part on the symbolism of plants includes Ogham (the druidic "tree" alphabet") and the Green Man (a sacred figure) wich don't have a lot to do in this section in my opinion. Also the chapter "ancient and modern civilisation" says it will show us the signification of symbols then and now but doesn't do it for every symbol ? It's all very confusing. There are also some repetitions within a couple of pages, the same symbol is sometimes addresses multiple times, like the symbols for planets/metals in alchemy.
The page layout is a bit terrible too. Parts overlap on one page, making it less pleasant to read. Some parts are also too short to be parts, like "alchemy symbols used for other purposes" (there are only 2 symbols if I remember correctly !). And sometimes it's hard to understand wich symbols we are talking about. The book also lacks homogeneity when it comes to the illustrations, wich bothers me immensly.
I learned some interesting facts tho and discovered symbols I didn't know like Zibu. I give it only 2 stars because I would'nt buy this book to be my reference on symbols, there are a ton of books ont his matter that are better.