A review by snaze6
Fighter's Frenemy by A. Rivers


A quick read about Leo and Cami’s relationship. Despite being in the same circle of people surrounding MMA fighting for several years, they really don’t know each other. From their years of being in each other’s proximity they each developed their own impression of who the other is, but when reality shakes up these false images, each of them is intrigued to learn a little more of the truth. And what they find surprises and intrigued them to learn even more.

This is the first book in Crown MMA Romance: The Outsiders, which is a group of fighter’s who join Seth’s gym after a drug cheating scandal occurs at their old gym. This short read is an both an introduction to these new fighters (Leo, Tony, Enya, Oman, and Vic) and of Leo and Cami’s romance. It’s told in dual first-person POVs which keep you focused on the emotions, happenings and reasons for how things take place in the story.

Leo Delaney is trying to not live up to become like his father, an MMA champion who routinely and openly cheated on Leo’s mother. He’s been told he’s so much like his farther as to be a carbon copy of him. Leo doesn’t see this as admirable.

Camile/Cami is the twin sister to Karson, an MMA fighter who was arrested as part of the drug scandal and who was the abusive ex-boyfriend of Lena (who is now with Jace - was book #1 Fighter’s Heart).

These previously side characters are interesting and engaging, and their stories will bring additional interactions with beloved characters from the Crown MMA Romance series (Jace/Lena, Seth/Ashlin, Gabe/Sydney, and Harley/Devon). I’m so exited to read more in this world created by A. Rivers!

I really enjoyed this book and found Cami’s emergence from under her brother’s control and influence and out from his shadow to be exhilarating. She finds her voice and confidence which is powerful and Leo’s love and support is a huge catalyst for her changes and continued progress. I cheered out loud when she finally takes a stand against a family member over the phone just as a huge special event in her life gets ready to begin. Go Girl!

Leo also changes from viewing things in a black/white and right/wrong, cut and dried manner to start seeing more of a continuum on things that incorporates shades of grey, and intent and other’s feelings.

Excited to read more! Smitten kitten has to be my favorite character description in a while!!