A review by caseroo7
Between Now and Forever by Dylan Allen


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Dylan Allen is a great writer and I couldn’t wait for the start of her new series! Between Now and Forever was everything I had been hoping for and more. This one didn’t disappoint at all, I was captivated from start to finish and I need more!!

Beth and Carter were complex and well written, as is always the case with characters from Dylan Allen. They are multi-faceted and you feel like you are living their story right along with them. I felt for them and couldn’t get enough of the chemistry between them. They are everything and I honestly can’t wait for the next installment in this series!

This book was a great introduction to the characters and I am really looking forward to getting to know them more and watching as they grow and things change in the next few books. Dylan Allen is such a talented storyteller and if you haven’t read anything by her before, you are definitely missing out. This book will hook you with the first word and keep you invested in Beth and Carter all the way through. While I don’t always love having to wait for more in a story, I can promise you that it is worth it to take a chance on this book now rather than waiting!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**