A review by capa105
The New Year's Wish by Dani-Lyn Alexander


Read full review HERE

I received an eArc from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I read this book on the day that I got to South Korea, by then I was severely sleep deprived, but I got through the book pretty quickly in a few hours – I blame the hotel and the fact that they didn’t have my room ready by the time I got in.

This was a fun and light read, and honestly that’s the most I can say in favor of this book: it’s fun, light, easy to read.

The writing is easy enough to get through, but I did find a lot of inconsistencies. At first I thought “well, Cristina, maybe you’re reading things wrong because you haven’t slept in 48 hours…“, but nop, it was not my mistake. The timeline is a bit messed up between Olivia and Garrett’s point of views.

The characters are fun and light as well, but it’s a case of sort of insta-love, and there isn’t much character or relationship development and that was a real shame. We do see Olivia bonding with Garrett’s daughter, and sure, that is taken into account, but at the end of the day it doesn’t go much deeper than that.

The plot reads like a simple TV movie rom-com – fun, light and perfect for a lazy sunday. I found the ending quite hard to swallow really, and if you’ve read this you probably understand why.

To sum it up, it was an alright read, you should give it a go if you like fun, light romances, without much plot. As I said, perfect for a lazy sunday… ;-)

Rating: 2.3 Stars