A review by thebritishbibliophile
Flower Moon: A Magic and Mayhem Motorcycle Club Romance by K.O. Newman


'An eagerly-awaited third book in a series which any MC romance fan should read! A true treat for our eyes and souls. -TheBritishBibliophile

Thank you to Mariah Thayer and K.O.Newman for sending me an Advanced Readers Copy as part of being on their ARC team. I read this book willingly of my own free will and am leaving an honest, spoiler-free review. Please read on if you'd like to know my thoughts about this stunning book and its equally as stunning co-authors.


I began my journey with K.O.Newman way back when with her book 'Reclaiming Psyche' . Years down the line, I would get to meet a chaotic cohort--in a good way--of fellow authors who all contributed to an anthology or two. One of those was Mariah Thayer. Although I've admittedly not read one of her books, which will hopefully soon be remedied with her upcoming novel 'Defiance' , I have read her contributions to anthologies and these two could not be more of a dream pairing if the bookish gods themselves matched them up.

Their brilliant brains cooked up a series which has fast firm become one of my favourites, starting with book one in this series, Crow Moon. Swiftly followed by Pink Moon in which till this day makes me well up with such happiness to have dedicated to me. I often go back to the mention and read it when I need humbling or a pick-me-up. These two books gave us an introductory insight into what this series was like and where it cold possibly go and for those of us who now have a serious love and investment in it, Flower Moon was very much an in-demand book to want to read next. Thankfully, we didn't have long to wait.

As each book came along, we were treated to more and more and by that I mean leading characters. In Crow Moon we met Crow and Hex, in Pink Moon we met Justice, Dom & Reno and now in Flower Moon, three more badass bikers step up to the plate and boy are they swinging! Welcome to the BMRMC Poppy, Firestarter, Daemon & Gryphon. Yes, an awesome foursome. If you, like me, have already read the other books in the series, one of these will already be familiar to you. Where she was a supporting character, she's now a main character and she not only has one, but three mates blessed by the Goddess herself.

You would think that the addition and situation of juggling four leading people would be overwhelming, but the truth is actually far from that. The four blend seamlessly together and that can only be attributed to Mariah & K.O's killer writing, stellar editing and general all-round in-sync nature as two standout authors working in harmony.

The storyline works so well, it's insane! I won't spoil it here for those of you who have yet to read the book, but you're in for one hell of a read and not just in terms of the content within the storyline. Mariah & K.O. have made this book--and series--as all-inclusive as it gets in every meaning and sense of the word. They've gone from strength to strength to include as much of the LGBTQIA+ community in their novels, carrying on here with Flower Moon and its characters. I was already a fan of LGBT reads, but these two ladies have genuinely impressed me with their inclusivity, respect for the community and representation that anyone (even if you're not in the community like myself, who is an ally) would be proud of. Flower Moon is a MMFM (Male, Male, Female & Male) LGBT romance that has absolutely slayed from cover to cover, period! *finger snap*

And it's in multiple single POV's! We get to see this story from quite literally every angle and I am living from reading this story from all perspectives. They don't skimp on giving this story from all angles and eyes, instead of falling into the pitfall of describing what's happening (namely to another character) from another's POV. We know how each of these characters feel, think and act. Pick your shoes here, folks. You'll be walking (or rather, riding), in all of them and there's much ground to be covered!

Including, the steam! Forget a bucket and a mop, bring a fan and turn up the AC! Keep yourself cool and hydrated for the moments when things get turned up a notch. I liked! I liked it more than a lot and I might have read those scenes more than just once. What can I say, I'm not a one-round kind of girl *wink wink*.

All in all, I'm giving these two legendary ladies a standing ovation of my own and a massive round of applause. They might not be able to see it, but I'm doing it. I've said it before in other reviews but they truly put their time, heart and soul into every word and it shows with the results that quite literally speak for themselves.

I'm very much looking forward to the next book in the series, Hot Moon, which is the pair's first dive into a MM romance. I already love a good MM romance, so I'm counting down the days until I have another must-read novel land in my inbox.

Ladies, take a breath and pat yourselves on your backs, pick up a glass or anything to celebrate, because you've done it again. I'm proud of you both.

Five stars!