A review by cuddlesome
The Nobody by Jeff Lemire


This is sooo good. I'm a huge sucker for slice of life stuff with a bit of the strange/supernatural thrown in so this is right up my alley.

It features one of the coolest extended metaphors I've seen in an Invisible Man story: "You don't understand. It poisoned me. It took my mind. And then I took her... by the time I knew what was happening, she was gone... and so was I." I'm not even really doing this part justice because it features a really great illustration, too.

The vintage-style suspense comic covers as the chapter breaks are also really cute.

The only thing keeping this from five stars is the way that the art style kind of broke my suspension of disbelief sometimes. When it came to Griffen (yeah, with an "e") everything was on-point but the faces of the townsfolk could be a little distracting.