A review by arcoirisdesign
Color: A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay

informative inspiring medium-paced


“Art . . . must do something more than give pleasure: it should relate to our own life so as to increase our energy of spirit.” SIR KENNETH CLARK, Looking at Pictures

The Beginning of the Rainbow “An image reflected in a mirror, a rainbow in the sky, and a painted scene Make their impressions upon the mind, but in essence are other than what they seem Look deeply at the world, and see an illusion, a magician’s dream.” THE SEVENTH DALAI LAMA: “Song of the Immaculate Path”

How I Discovered It

Who Should Read It
Anyone interested in color

Thoughts & Impressions
Makes me think about paint in a new way. Makes me appreciate color a lot more and the history behind it

What I Liked About It
Lots of stories to tie in with the talk about color

What I Didn’t Like About It
Pictures would have been helpful

How the Book Changed Me
I appreciate color in a different way now. And I’m compelled to use color outside a computer.

Related Books
Simon Garfield’s Mauve, Robert Chenciner’s Madder Red, François Delamare and Bernard Guineau’s Colour and most recently Philip Ball’s Bright Earth— and I have found some excellent sources in libraries, especially John Gage’s Colour and Culture and Jenny Balfour-Paul’s Indigo, but there are many more.