A review by greenlivingaudioworm
Juliet Takes a Breath: The Graphic Novel by Gabby Rivera


"How do you tell the people who breathed you into existence that you're the opposite of everything they want you to be?"

[b:Juliet Takes a Breath|28648863|Juliet Takes a Breath|Gabby Rivera|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1453334587l/28648863._SY75_.jpg|48836658] was a novel that didn't capture my attention in the way I wanted it to. I'm not sure if I would classify this book as young adult lit so much as new adult lit. It's quite mature in terms of language and sexual content. There is no way I would put this book in my middle school classroom, especially when the graphic novel seemed more mature than the novel at times. Oof. I thought the graphic novel stayed pretty true to the novel and it was fun to see Portland brought to life through [a:Celia Moscote|20175200|Celia Moscote|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]'s illustrations.

This review was all over the place, but honestly, so is this book and I just can't bring myself to recommend it.

TW: homophobia, racism, fatshaming, sexual assault