A review by sebinsangel
Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over by Shani Petroff


I have some mixed thoughts on this book, so please stick with me while I try and spew them all out and make them make some sort of sense. This book starts way sooner than I expected it to. I knew the main plot was being stuck in an airport in Florida with an ex who cheated, but we start back in New York before the trip and before the ex is even an ex. So if you plan to start this off pretty quickly and be filled in on the back story, don't, because the book will give you all that before you need to even be confused.

This book did hit pretty close to home as well, having been someone who's been cheated on before. There were a couple times while I was reading this that I had to stop and think to myself that it wasn't my story, I knew it sounded all so familiar, but this is a different story, things might end up differently, don't get so emotional. So I feel like even though we know about the cheating, it still might be a bit of a trigger warning for some people.

I do wish there was more of Sari's trip in Florida, give me more of her grieving, give me more of her being down there, don't rip me off. If we're going to start so far back we might as well get some more fill in there than just like skimming it over quickly to finally make it to the plot of the book. There could have been a lot more things that happened, and the relationship with Fitz (hot NYU guy) could have been a bit more believable.

The friendship in this book is amazing though. There needs to be more representation like this out there with a strong female/female friendship where the girls are there for one another no matter what. There was even hints to other times that both the girls had gone to bat for one another and it just made me love the two of them and their friendship even more.

In the end I did enjoy where things went. I honestly wasn't sure how things would go, and I knew Sari had a lot of stuff to work out on her own. While I do think she figured things out and made decisions a little to rash at times, I do like how everything was wrapped up and the ending that we were given.

Overall this book kept me glued to the pages wanting to know what was going to happen and what Sari was going to do next, and how she was going to deal with the hand she was being dealt. I would suggest this book if you can handle the theme of cheating and want something that's a quick read with very relatable story line.