A review by thebooksheelf
The Light Keeper by Cole Moreton


I received a free e-copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

I did enjoy The Light Keeper, the prose is often quite beautiful and the epic scenery really is done justice. Story-wise, I found myself wanting to just flick through to the Keeper’s chapters as they seemed to have the most depth and as an exploration of grief, this book really does hit the mark.

Unfortunately, the Sarah/Jack addition just didn’t really fit all that well for me. The last 30% of the book felt rushed, forced and just out of keeping with the languid beginning and the ending just felt rather flat. Without spoilers, there were a few other very strange elements that just didn’t add anything substantial to the narrative despite hints throughout that they’ll have a significant part to play.

3 and a half stars from me!