A review by mahireads
We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets


So glad I didn't see a lot of the online hype about this book before I picked it up. My impression from looking at other reviews is that a lot of other readers had the tension spoiled for them by booktok/bookstagram reviews. Here's a review that truly contains NO spoilers:

A young queer woman is burdened with debt. She takes a job at a secretive company where she is tasked with reviewing and moderating the internet's darkest content. As the pressure from her finances, her job, and her new relationship grow, she becomes more unsure of her own judgment.

My thoughts:
The tiny details MADE this book. Bervoets does an incredible job of sprinkling these tiny gestures of affection that all make that intoxicating feeling of rushing into a new relationship so real. I just love how generously she has written these characters.

The main reason to read this book is Bervoets' exploration of intimacy in an age when quick dopamine hits and instant spectacle are available 24/7 through the internet. Beautifully done.