A review by rachel_kw
The Brothers York: A Royal Tragedy by Thomas Penn


3.5 stars

Going into this book, especially in the beginning, you need some prior knowledge of the War of the Roses and the situation in England up until 1460. This book is definitely not baby's first War of the Roses.

Penn is very good at being unbiased. He treats everyone with the same level of distance. I like his writing but it's not my favorite. Some of the reoccurring people he mentioned needed more context whenever they came up again. Some people he would provide context every time like any of Elizabeth's relatives but like Northumberland???? Who tf is that, I don't think it was that Percy guy in the north but also at the same time I do?? It isn't Penn's fault that there were so many people involved in this time period but all their names are confusing and similar and then there are people's actual names vs titles

I think he did a good job with each of the brother's stories. Edward definitely got the spotlight but that makes sense cause he was king. Maybe he could've devoted slightly more time to Clarence but besides that, I thought it was good.

Can't believe this book made me feel bad for Richard III, I think it's because he got himself trapped in his situation as king, and bc of his actions nobody really liked him

I wish Penn had expanded more about who killed the Princes in the Tower.

Love the fact that Margaret Beaufort, Elizabeth Woodville, and their co-conspirators were able to raise a rebellion in two months. Icons!!!

This is now an earl of Warwick stan account, idk what it is but something about him is so captivating!!
He was such an amazing propagandist and shrewd political manipulator and was able to use public discontent to his advantage. I think he might be my only favorite historical figure who is a man lol.

The epilogue felt rushed and I thought the last sentence of the book was weird. I think he was trying to make a statement about England and its politics but it felt too disconnected from the story he'd been telling throughout the book.

Overall it was a good book, I won't rush to read Penn's book about Henry VII but I could definitely see myself doing it in the future