A review by swaye
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman


Reading this was such a unique experience for me. I lost count of the number of times I almost threw in the towel so I'm more surprised than anyone that it's sitting on my shelf now with a 4 star rating.

First of all, this book is absolutely nothing remotely like what I was expecting and it really threw me off in the first couple chapters, but the mystery of what was going on with Eleanor kept me in the game... just barely. Initially, Eleanor is one of the most insufferable and annoying characters EVER but as the book progressed and as she metamorphosed I started to love her and root for her happiness.

As a fellow oddball and outcast there were many times that I related to Eleanor. I get that sometimes it feels safer to constantly look for the worst in people and be stand-offish for the sake of self-preservation, even though it actually ends up isolating you and hurting you more in the long run. I completely resonated with her journey of self-love and forgiveness and learning to trust and eventually let people in. As an ex-misanthrope and sociophobe I am in just as much awe of the abundance of kindness that is available to you the moment you become willing to accept that you deserve it.

The book launched itself into 4 star status for me because of the final quarter, where it simply became unputdownable... and that plot twist still has me reeling!

Bravo, Gail Honeyman. Bra-the fuck-vo! 👏👏👏