A review by sumsreadsalot
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I was very sceptical to start this book as i had heard so much hype around it and didn't want to be disappointed in terms of it being overhyped. I went in with low expectations and was almost put off in the beginning.

The opening was interesting enough (although it should have been titled 'prologue' as it seemed that we'd be seeing the first two characters from the first chapter later on in the story but this wasn't the case. I wish someone had filled me in on this before i started reading).

I feel like the plot started from the middle and felt like we had missed out on something. The story opened without any real worldbuilding and i felt like i had no knowledge of who the Grisha were and what they do although Leigh Bardugo had provided maps and a simple guide for each Grisha's power. I just felt like i was missing out on something and it felt very messy.

BUT... as the story progressed i was drawn in more and more and just couldn't put the book down! I definitely surprised myself by completing the book in just two days -a great accomplishment for me!

The plot was fast paced, the characters were perfect, the backstories for each really drew me in especially that of Nina and Matthias. Their banter made me laugh out loud at times and what to say of the actual heist? Just very good writing all in all. I gave five stars because if you can get past the first four chapters, you will certainly see what the hype is all about!