A review by swamphag
The Bunny and the Billionaire by Louisa Masters


Originally posted at Just Love Reviews

If you are new to the Dreamspun Desires series, the books are basically tropey, Harlequin-esque gay romances that are short with happy endings. I rate them on a different scale than I would another romance novel because they aren’t supposed to be super detailed, and serious. They are fun and so my rating is based on the writing quality, characters, and how interesting the plot is. That being said it was a bit hard to write this review because I’m not super into this particular trope, but I also didn’t want to put it down because it could be someone else’s thing.

The book itself was well written with interesting characters. Was there a lot of super deep character development? No. Were the characters realistic and enjoyable? Yes. I thought Ben was too passive, but I think it was part of the powerful rich man/bumbling everyman dynamic that Masters was going for with this one.

Ben was totally ridiculously clutzy. There’s no other way to describe him and I’m not complaining because I can relate to that part of the book a lot. Léo and his friends were supposed to be the rich, suave guys but I was glad Masters made them a bit more relatable once we got to know them through Ben.

The bottom line is that this book was incredibly entertaining. I pretty much don’t know anything about the rich world that Léo lived in so I can’t comment on how realistic it was. However, I enjoyed reading about all the rich people things he roped Ben into. I was like, yeah sure yachts and stuff that seems like a thing rich people do. It was also fun to see that kind of “everyday” stuff that Ben could drag Léo into like the aquarium. I really enjoy when authors play around with the balance of power in a relationship (i.e., when the seemingly powerful one bends to the other person’s will because they like them).

I have never read anything by this author before but this book is so well written that I would check out her other books just based on it. If you are into the whole Rich/Cinderella trope, then I think this short, tropey book is for you!

I received an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for a fair and honest review.