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A review by adamgolden
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto


The title of this book instantly caught my attention, as I've always believed that our schooling system in the U.S. is inadequate and inefficient. While Gatto does well explaining what's wrong with the system and how it got to be where it is today, his solutions to the problems it has are unfortunately lacking, mostly because of how outdated the book is. With the advent of the internet and it's growing accessibility over the past 10 years, it's hard to ignore that it will eventually be the main source for education in the near future (more so than it already is). Kids today are growing up with devices that can tell them about anything, anywhere, at any time, with the added benefit of seeing other people's perspectives and opinions from around the world. If and when I have children, I'll seriously be considering home schooling if it's a viable option, as the alternative generally leads to the production of human sheep without a sense of individualism.