A review by rzarate9696
The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff


I've never been so emotionally devastated by a book. I've been reading some tragic historical material and every single one cuts deep, but this one is so American in its sensibilities it digs right to the bone.

In conscious retrospect to all of the tragedy and misery the United States has beset upon the rest of the world through interference and exploitation, it was a long time coming for our "innocent" and coddled country to join the rest of the world in the reality of struggle and pain.

I'm not saying Americans "deserved" 9/11, just that most of us had been able to ignore what was going on in countries we have history with and it took this horrific event to wake us up.

All that aside, I've never felt such pain reading about a historic and tragic event. Things like this happen in many countries, not at the same magnitude but at least over time for sure. It just doesn't happened in my country. To hear people with my own sensibilities, entitlements, hopes, assurances, and fears be so afraid and lost is absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking. Even if our American innocence was undeserved or never even really there, we can't deny that we felt so safe and secure as a people. And that security was wiped out in a couple of minutes.

The first hand accounts here are searing and gut wrenching as you're given descriptions of losses of friends, loved ones, strangers, and flesh. I'll never look at the world the same after reading this.