A review by froggylibrarian1
Firstborn by Tor Seidler


This book was about a pack of wolves - Blue Boy and his first born Lamar as well as others in the pack and Maggie the Magpie who joined and helped the herd. The book is set around the time the wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone and in the story these wolves were some that had been captured and then escaped the area. Interwoven in the book were many details about pack life and how wolves interact and survive (or don't).

What I found odd -

For a book about wolves the narrator was the magpie...

The flyleaf described this huge conflict with Blue Boy and his son Lamar because Lamar is "entranced" by a coyote. Lamar isn't even introduced as a character until page 90 and the coyote isn't introuduced til page 115. While Lamar certainly was fascinated by the coyote and wanted to be friends the conflict didn't rise to the level I expected.

Anyway - for students who like animal books this may fit the bill. It was a nice enough story but not anything overly impressive.