A review by trudyd
Trouble With the Cursed by Kim Harrison


Tink's Turds!!!!! Trouble with the Cursed was phenomenal. The story grabbed me from page one and I didn't want it to end. Although the ending did have me dancing with giddiness.

Pike and Rachel have been running Cincinnati, pretending that Constance was in charge. Rachel is working hard to get the soul saver approved and the long undead are not happy. Needless to say their hands are full. Add in a demon that wants her job and Rachel is sinking fast.

It will take everything she has to survive the next few days and beyond. Sometimes when it seems like someone is out to get you; you need to listen. Rachel's quest for survival had me on edge of my seat. The twists and turns made of a wild ride. The wonderful surprises had me beaming in delight.

Now the wait begins for The Hollows, #17.