A review by misspalah
In Praise of Hatred by Leri Price, Khaled Khalifa


This book took me more than a month to finish. It is comprised of beautiful and graceful writing (while I couldn't read this book in its original language, I am more than sure that Leri Price tries her best to translate this boik so that some of the originality could be retained). Upon finishing this book, I was in awe by the content of this book. It was indirect ; There's a war happened but rather than focusing it unfolded, the tale focused on the complexity of the main character. I hated her for being so strict, judgmental and a bit hardcore towards extremism but in the same time, I pitied her for turning that way. This book is surely an emotional rollercoaster ride because your feelings altered according to each story presented in it. For this book, I gave 4 stars.