A review by twowheelsaway
Terciel and Elinor by Garth Nix


I enjoyed this a lot. I will always want more Old Kingdom novels, and while some of Nix's other books have been just okay recently, it seems like going back to Ancelstierre always brings out the best in him.

What I wanted from this book: necromancy with bells, charter magic, a trip or two into the river, some Clayr, and more little bits and pieces from one of my favorite fantasy worlds.

What I got: All of those things! Plus--
-a couple flashes of perspectives of the normal people of Ancelstierre I didn't know that I wanted but am now hungry for more of
-A fun relationship between an Abhorsen and her Abhorsen-in-Waiting
-Mogget backstory Mogget backstory Mogget backstory Mogget backstory
-A really powerful and touching ending that I won't spoil but was IMMENSELY satisfying.

The one main thing that didn't hit for me: Nix writes romance like he's holding it at the end of a ten foot pole. Brief, efficient, and largely unromantic. It's not necessarily bad, but not what I wanted either. A little more slow burn between the main characters would honestly have been the thing to bump this up to a five star review for me.

Overall, I did really enjoy this return to the Old Kingdom, and dearly hope to see more!