A review by caroline_carnivorous
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare


Maybe 3.5 stars. It took me pretty much exactly 3 months to finish this! Except Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet, this was my first time reading all of these. Several I hadn't even heard of before!
A lot of the time it was very heavy to read, I think during all of March I had to have a break from this, since I wanted to actually be motivated to read in it.
I do appreciate the beauty of his writing, and he really did have a way with words. Reading them all pretty much back to back wasn't the best idea though, as many of the plays have similar themes and plots, so a bunch of them just blended together in my head and I didn't enjoy them as much. I don't regret reading them though, I think it's important to read at least SOME Shakespeare in your life!

My top ten would be:
1. Hamlet (duh, always has been)
2. King Henry VI, part 3
3. King Henry IV, part 1
4. The Merry Wives Of Windsor
5. The Comedy Of Errors
6. Henry V
7. Romeo & Juliet
8. Richard III
9. Macbeth
10. Sonnets
So if you want suggestions of what to read, I recommend these!

A note on the edition: The golden edges of the pages transferred onto my hands when I touched them, and the printing wasn't the best. Sometimes whole words hadn't been printed properly, and in many places the letters looked rubbed off.