A review by jewbitche
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller


*I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Honestly this book is next level, I adore it.

Its not perfect its really not, the prose slipped at times, it was occasionally predictable, but I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't change a thing because its wonderful.

Sal is amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better protagonist. The perfect mix of seething anger and revenge mixed with idealism and pain. They made mistakes, huge mistakes but you didn't scream at them not too because you understood! You mourned with them for their country.

Four, Two, Elise, Maud and Ruby were some of my favourite characters ever, I also hope Rath reappears.

The world building was superb and I love everything about the world created.

I lived for Sal falling out off love with Our Queen.

But the stand out for me was the end, lesser books would have finished several chapters earlier and started the second book with these last chapters but, this book didn't and was all the better for it!