A review by ariel937
Sun in Days: Poems by Meghan O'Rourke


this was just simply mesmerizing. the writing sucked me in, and i feel personally connected to each of the poems. the poems about her mothers death, her depression, her abortion, her illness was all so raw and blazed across the page like a bolt of electricity. there were so many true lines that i was constantly thinking “me too!!!” - she put the right words together in exactly the perfect way. there were one or two instances when i didn’t connect completely to the poems but all the rest of them (to me) were flawless. i can’t speak on O’Rourke herself because i knew nothing about her aside from what’s shared here, but i did love this little book. i’m not sure if rereading it in the future would make this as impactful, so, for the time being: i likes this. a lot. it

this also made me super interested in reading more on meriwether lewis, so there’s that.