A review by carleneinspired
The New Year's Wish by Dani-Lyn Alexander


Olivia Calloway hasn't had success with any of her business ventures and she's tired of watching her trust fund money wither away. She's giving herself two months to take a temporary position and start another new business of her own. But being a secretary to Garrett Emerson isn't as easy as it looks when you're a clumsy fool who happens to have the hots for your boss. She's put to the test, both at work and in her possible relationship, when she has to plan the company's New Years Eve party.

I don't know what other people read, but I read an extremely confusing, short romantic comedy. I expected a lot more from it, I actually liked it at first, and then things just sort of went downhill. I never felt like I got to know the characters, though I think I would have liked them both if I had. I also never understood their immediate draw to one another, but maybe that's due to the jumping around timeline. What could have been a great story, starting in October sometime and ending after New Years, started in October, jumped a month ahead, somehow skipped weeks entirely, and just ended. I would much prefer to see this in the form of a Hallmark movie.