A review by cdjdhj
Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse by Timothy P. Carney


This book is well researched and has a lot of information from statistics and studies about why American Civil Society seems to be collapsing in some parts of our nations. This collapse, according to the author, Timothy P. Carney, a Conservative writer and fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, let to the rise of Donald Trump, who promised to "Make America Great Again." Carney rightly points out that no politician can fix what truly ails our nation - the collapse of our institutions of community and civil society - beginning with our churches. Carney sites study after study showing why our religious institutions - churches, mosques and synagogues - are vital to not only a thriving community, but also a thriving society. He also addresses the seeming collapse of the institution of the American family with low marriage and high divorce rates, as well as falling birth rate. Carney shows that the collapse of the family and religion in America, along with so many other problems of our society, are all intertwined. This book is quite fascinating, and the author makes his case. The book is not a quick or easy read and it takes some time and effort to digest the information presented. Overall, this is a book that anyone interested in why our country is so divided, why some places in our country seem to thrive while others have collapsed, and why some Americans are without hope and are putting so much trust in one political personality who promises he can "make America great again" when in reality, it is only we ourselves that can do that.