A review by jacki_f
We Know by Gregg Hurwitz


Nick Horrigan was 18 when something happened that changed the course of his life forever. He was forced onto the run, and it is only now, many years later, that he is starting to find some peace of mind. Then abruptly one night a SWAT team descends on his apartment and it's clear that he is unable to escape the events that have shaped his life. As everyone from the President of the US down seems to have a vested interest in him, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to know who he can trust.

The book kicks off with a hiss and a roar and the early chapters keep the tension high. However as the plot develops, it all starts to get so far-fetched that I struggled to suspend my belief. There are also some glaring plotholes which severely detracted from the story. For example, the way that Nick was forced onto the run makes little sense, and the fact that he has never told anyone about what happened but suddenly starts confiding in people now when the stakes are higher than they have ever been.

I like the way Hurwitz writes and this is a decent enough holiday thriller, but it pales in comparison to similar writers.