A review by branch_c
Creatures of Light and Darkness by Roger Zelazny


In Zelazny's defense, I read that he apparently wrote this as an experiment, never really intending it to be published. So how did the experiment turn out? Well, let's see - the book is pretentiously surreal, at many times just plain nonsensical. The characters are bizarrely unlikable, with incomprehensible motivations. The writing is - well, who am I to criticize the writing of a Hugo and Nebula award winner? Yeah, I know: when you're a pro, you've learned all the rules and earned the right to break them. Whatever - these "experimental" ramblings just come across as sloppy.

So, with all due respect to fans of this book, I can almost say it's the worst book I've read in all the years that I've been keeping track of such things. Almost - after all, I did read the entire Bible back in '05, and at least this was maybe a tenth as long.

After reading this one and Nine Princes in Amber I feel like I ought to read Lord of Light again to see if I really did like it as much as I thought I did at the time.