A review by imyril
The Cats of Seroster by Robert Westall


This is one of those few childhood favourites that I don't seem to share with many people - but what's not to like about a historical fantasy with telepathic cats set in southern France?

Englishman Cam of Cambridge is on the move again after his clever thinking gets him accused of witchcraft. Desperate for work, he's easily persuaded to carry a letter to a distant city - only to realise it has mysterious strings attached: a dagger he can't get rid of, and pursuers who want him dead. Hiding in the wilderness, he is adopted by a huge golden cat - but Amon is more than he seems, with an agenda of his own. Cam's destiny is intertwined with that of the cats and the city, whether he likes it or not...

Mystical cats notwithstanding, this is an unlikely children's book in many ways and stands up reasonably well to an adult reread. Its (human) female characters are sadly limited - not even getting a name (for which I'm docking it half a star) - but its matriarchal cats are a joy.

Full review.