A review by jake_wont_shut_up
The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World in Decline by Jonathan Tepperman


Didn't feel like "these countries have solved the problem" so much as "they did something pretty smart that seems like a good starting point, and a lot of us could learn from that." It just seems awfully strange to call these things cures when at best a lot of them are common sense measures. Like the Mexico example, Mexico passed a bunch of reform laws that will (hopefully) start to improve the country in the long term by opposing parties working together. And this is revelatory...how? I'm glad they did that, and certainly I wish we could do that here in America, but the real secret here isn't "We need to work together to fix this" it's "How do we get arrogant politicians to put their egos and toeing the part line aside to work together to fix this?"