A review by kindlebabe
Where He Can't Find You by Darcy Coates


Book : Where He Can’t Find You
Author : Darcy Coates
Pub Date : 07 Nov 2023

Thank you NetGalley, Sourcebooks Fire, & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I love and eat up everything that Darcy Coates releases. This book was a little bit different than others I’ve read and it was YA which I was curious about. Regardless I enjoyed it. It was a fun fast paced read. This book gives the best mystery & thriller vibes that I love with the creepy vibes we know from her other writing weaved throughout.

The characters and plot were well written—this story keeps you guessing from start to finish and makes you question all the things you thought was happening. I will be recommending this book to all my friends who love a good mysterious-supernatural-horror thriller book. This needs to be on your TBR right away.