A review by funnellegant
Sapiens Graphic Novel: Volume 2 by Yuval Noah Harari, David Vanderneulen


The graphic novel was a creative and fun presentation of the ideas espoused by Harari's earlier history book of the same name. In the original book, I found the first half immensely engaging and educational, but less so in the second half. Since this book represents the second (of eventual 3) volumes corresponding to the chapters in the original book, I think it's unsurprising that I wasn't as compelled by this volume as the first graphic novel. In fact, I feel that some of the most compelling pieces of the history book (the anthropological discussion of intersubjective, subjective, and objective needs, for example) were mostly glossed over in this book.

Highlights were the original illustrations, the creative presentation of the concept of myth by a fun story-telling device, and the Faustian metaphor of the agricultural revolution.