A review by hopejrc
What Does It Mean to Be White?; Developing White Racial Literacy by Robin DiAngelo


4.5, some info was a bit dated and (this one on the copyeditor) quite a few grammar errors that were missed.

That being said, I think this would be the perfect book for a White person who is interested in diving into race and wanting to learn how to unpack their own racial identity but isn't sure where to start and isn't sure what they don't know/what they need to learn. It's a very basic but in-depth look at Whiteness, racial socialization, racism, etc. Many terms are defined and broken down beautifully to help with one's racial literacy.

This was the book the author wrote before White Fragility. Some of the info is the same but some concepts are dissected a bit more deeply, which is why I think this may actually be a better starting point (but I read White Fragility a few years back so maybe I just don't remember).

If you've already been deep-diving into race literature, there isn't really any new info introduced here that you wouldn't have studied already.

I encounter White people (90% of the people around me fit this headspace) who have never even given a second thought to race and just brush it off as a non issue, so I like to read books like this to help me with conversations with people new to the info. Can't get into a conversation about mass incarceration, for example, without any base level race knowledge or even acknowledgement amirite.