A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Darkest Hour Before Dawn by Charlie Cochet


Our hearts have been breaking for Seb and Hudson for how many books now? Now we finally get our happy ending. Not without some struggles and surprises though.

We start off with Hudson still punishing himself for what happened all those years ago. The damn guy is a bleeding heart. He loves Seb but won't allow himself to be with him. All the while Seb is still suffering without him. He never gives up hope to get Hudson back, even when Hudson gives him every reason to, sometimes cruely.

We get to see them reunited for a little and them boom, as blast from the past causes Hudson to bail yet again. I didn't like this scene. 7 years is a long time to hold onto such hate especially against someone who isn't really at fault. And again Seb is left devastated. The poor guy can't catch a break.

More action follows as is usual in a THIRDS novel. Surprises like I said. One I figured out pretty early. Still a fun turn of events. Hudson finally pulls his head out of his ass, thanks to some deep thinking and Dex. When Hudson finally makes up his mind it was like yes!!!!!

I would very much like to come home, Sebastian.”

And it seems once the decision is made these two men are all in. I mean they've waited long enough right? Punished themselves for far too long. It was time for them to have their happy ending.