A review by silenciadelumbrae
Tortall: A Spy's Guide by Timothy Liebe, Tamora Pierce, Julie Holderman


Way to start out the new book with a bang! That first letter oh man!

But seriously, this is so cute. I love finding out more about everyone's history, and little Aly, and all the bits and bobs that I missed before or that weren't really included until now. I love all the nods to characters that maybe we haven't seen in a while. I like knowing where things are going for characters I love!

This is a really fast and easy read. The only thing I didn't really think was necessary was the timeline--it seemed a little pointless, but I suppose people who haven't read every single one of these books over and over would have some use for it. So, you know, fair enough.

It's so good you guys. It's so good. It's so fun. I am officially on the hype train for Tempests and Slaughter because this one reminded me how much I love Tortall.