A review by kristinisreading
The Dragons, the Giant, the Women: A Memoir by Wayétu Moore


Very powerful book about a young girl who experienced the displacement and trauma of war at five years old in Liberia. The first section of the book, in that perspective was amazing. So vivid in detail. Even though it is written from the five year olds perspective, the mature telling of the story reveals the horror the father and grandmother must have dealt with escaping with three young children. The later parts of the book were less strong. There’s this whole side bit about a breakup later in life that seems irrelevant. Those chapters focus on the move to the United States and life there. One strange element in the book, a self identified memoir, is a chapter written by the author from her mother’s point of view. It certainly challenges the idea of memoir. But, despite that, the story is very compelling and worth reading.