A review by karen_the_baroness
Trotting into Trouble by Amber Camp


Trotting into Trouble by Amber Camp has Mallory realizing that she needs to be there for the people she cares about despite a mystery needing to be solved. 

Can Mallory get justice for Coach Griggs' widow? 

Mallory Martin has a lot of good things going for her, but she sometimes self-sabotages herself by pushing people away when things get good. She doesn't mean to do this, and it seems to me that she doesn't think she deserves to be happy when she so totally does. Mal is a good person. However, she needs to realize that she needs to let things go and allow some people to help her. Including when it comes to her horses. 

I have to say that I ended up liking Mal a bit more this time than I did the first time around. I only have to say that she needs to open up more communication channels with the people she cares about. Mal is an incredible person, and I like her. I hated how some of the horses were mistreated before coming to her. 

The Mystery 
The police tasked Mallory Martin and Tanner to grab a horse so that the police could find the missing rider. The two found the horse, and he led them to the dead body. However, Mallory didn't mean to go looking for another dead body. Anyways, Coach Douglas Griggs wasn't well-liked by some people. Including Mallory herself quite recently, but she still didn't think that he deserved to die. I figured out the person who did it and a bit of the why. 

Four Stars
Trotting into Trouble by Amber Camp is set in the late fall of Hillspring, Arkansas, where it's cold but not quite cold enough for winter to come through. Ms. Camp has done a fantastic job once again with writing this book. I am giving Trotting into Trouble by Amber Camp five stars. I also recommend it for any horse lovers out there who love mystery as well. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Trotting into Trouble by Amber Camp

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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