A review by pattyfgd
Take Me to the Cabin by Kaci Rose


Take Me to the Cabin
Mountain Men of Whiskey River, Book 2
By: Kaci Rose
Narrated by: Lacie Glennox, Walker Williams

Here I thought no one could possibly top Axel. That is until Phoenix is introduced to me. What a man. A quiet, man, he came to the mountain at the age of eighteen. Life gave him a curve ball and rather than basque in the limelight, he wanted out. Now years later, he is alone, in a small community of friends. When he sees Jenna though, his entire life changes. Jenna is looking for to start over, away from her family and ex-fiance. The mountain calls to her, able to take the pictures she loves and give her the time to write. But will these two find a common ground and will Jenna be willing to give up her city life forever? Ah, Phoenix. He may be quiet, but when he does speak, it's meaningful. Jenna is working through her issues, and I love the process show goes through to realize her path. Plus we get to see Alex & Emelie! This is fun, and leaves me wanting the next in this series.

Lacie Glennox & Walker Williams are our narrating team and they give a performance that fits the story perfectly. Glennox provides us with Jenna, confused, lustful, frustrated and loving. Each emotion is easily felt, she brings her to life. Willa's has a tone in his voice that is like velvet. He brings out the masculinity in these mountain men, and makes them easy to fall for. Loved their portrayal of this book!