A review by bookishlykenia
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw


I love books that hold my interest from start to finish. No inbetween or the beginning was slow then it picked up. Nope this was fast paced and it kept me guessing the whole way through. Even at the end it had me guessing what would happen next.

I tend to read at night, this always ends with me going to bed at two In the morning. But with this one, I could not put it down. I had to find out every ounce of information to see who was lying and to whom. Because everybody lies.

You will come to find out, this is my favorite line from the book. Everybody lies. The plot was done well, I think, a girl who can steal memories. She hates who she is and feels she is not redeemable. She’s in love with a man who wants to be excepted just like she does. Their relationship hit heard because they had secrets and as confused as they were, there was love there. Fight me if you want but there was love and I am game!

This book had me in tears, which means it was memorable. Seriously, if I cried, the story will always have a spot in my heart. I’m not kidding!! And I cried hard, I love books where emotions run raw and your able to imagine those feelings and manifest them onto yourself.

Wow this reviews is totally at the rush of my thumbs (typing this on my phone) and completely different mood from my review on my blog. So if y’all are interested link is in my BIO! You check out my full review on there! So excited for book 2! I’m ready for my heart to bleed some more.