A review by shutupnread
The Latte Rebellion by Sarah Jamila Stevenson


While this was a cute and short read (technically it was short but it took me a few days longer than what I would have expected not because it was boring but I just had other more interesting books to read and I was also away on business), I’m conflicted on whether or not I actually liked this book.

PROS: the concept of this book was different and was actually relevant to today’s society with the whole “#blacklivesmatters” protests and the whole racial discrimination going on in America today with Trump’s presidential campaign, I thought this book was quite relevant even though it was written a few years ago. It was also interesting to see how diverse the characters were – I mean, Asha was half Indian, quarter Mexican and quarter Irish. I find that so rare especially with the Indian part – I rarely see mixed Indians since most of the Indians I know are 100% so I found this tidbit to be very different and unusual.

CONS: Asha’s best friend, Carey, is such a bitch and I hated her guts. I mean, it was both her and Asha’s idea to start the Latte Rebellion yet she refused to take any part of it after realizing how big it was becoming and didn’t participate in any of the events due to “school” and “babysitting”. I mean, fine, I get that school is important especially for your senior year but the fact that she still took half of the money they earned was a little rude. She even backstabbed Asha during the hearing and Asha was annoyed with her but still put up with it. Honestly, that girl was so annoying, I wanted to punch her. The other characters weren’t really that developed and the whole budding romance thing between Asha and that college boy was so insignificant (they barely talked or saw each other) that I didn’t really see the point of even having that element in the book.

The one thing I didn’t really understand was the whole hearing thing. How come Asha was the only one singled out when there were dozens of people at the sit-in where the commotion happened? I mean, yes, she was part of the group that started (even though Carey pretended otherwise) but I don’t think that changes the fact that the Latte Rebellion grew out of control and went nationwide and that none of that was her fault?

Anyways, while this book was interesting in theory, I think the execution and the character development could have been improved.

To read more: http://holedupinabook.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-latte-rebellion-by-sarah-jamila.html