A review by anotherhalima
The Magic of Discovery by Britt Andrews

Did not finish book. Stopped at 72%.
why are they talking like that? i get it’s supposed to be funny sassy badass and what have you but it just comes off as an older person trying to write how millennials talk like eww

also she was abused… and now we are thrown into the start of a bdsm relationship with strangers and lose rules? like why do these authors make the woman have sexual trauma and make her be with supper alpha bdsm loving dudes? i’m tired and i want more for us! if she was not in that abusive dynamic before this would have not bothered me as much. 

don’t even get me started on the men. who walks around calling themselves a badass every two seconds.. erkh

like i want to know more about the world and mystery( i have my guesses) but i just can’t anymore.