A review by noellelovesbooks
Incense and Sensibility by Sonali Dev



Content Warnings
: Gun violence, public shooting, blood/injury, racism, sexism, toxic masculinity, ableism, PTSD, and queerphobia.
Mention of: being drugged and raped, injury due to getting hit by a car, depression, mention of losing a loved one/partner, and anxiety.

Having been emotionally devastated and restored by the first two books in this series…I took my time getting around to book three. This was a book I’m pretty sure I pre-ordered and then left sitting on my shelf because I wasn’t prepared to deal with the emotions Sonali made me feel in the first two books.

I wouldn’t classify this book as a romance so much as adult fiction as the element of romance was so small in comparison to everything else the book dealt with.

The book starts with an attempt on Yash’s life when he’s set to speak at a political rally. His friend and bodyguard is critically injured when he tries to jump in the way of a bullet meant for Yash. Having his friend in the ICU with no idea if he’ll ever wake up, let alone recover, Yash is in shock. Yash has always been great in front of a crowd but after the shooting anytime he attempts to speak at a public gathering he’s overwhelmed with panic and anxiety.

Yash is close to 40 and has years of unresolved trauma that had deeply affected his life and the way he handles things. I really wish the book would have shown Yash getting professional help to process his trauma rather than just talking with India and mentioning that he’s set up an appointment. Trauma is such an important thing that needs to be addressed and I understand it taking years for him to come to terms with needing help…I just wish we were able to see him getting more help than just India.

We spend so much of the book seeing Yash acknowledge how much trauma has shaped and dictated his life and I just needed more of the after, if that makes sense. Maybe I’m just not in the right mood to be reading this book but I felt like there was so much sadness and although he does find love and he’s finally opening up to his family…I just felt like the negativity and sadness outweighed the happiness. I just needed to feel more of a win than what I felt. 

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