A review by thebobsphere
How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House by Cherie Jones


 In theory I should have liked How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps her house; it’s got different timelines, it’s pushes boundaries, is thematically rich and the author has a distinctive writing style.

But it all fell flat.

The One-Armed Sister of the title is the result of a cautionary tale that the main protagonist, Lala’s, grandmother tells her. The morale being that if one breaks rules then a price will be paid,

We readers find out that Lala is in an unhappy marriage, loses her baby (it’s in the blurb), is surrounded by shifty friends and is the product of an unloved household. The book is portrayal of abusive relationships, chauvinism and the corrupt Jamaican government.

Although I did admire what the author did in this book, I just felt bored and I had a lot of difficulty trying to ‘get’ it. Definitely a case of me, not the book.