A review by cozyreaderdevan77
Rising Darkness by Harper Wylde


Rating: 3.5/5
Spice: 5/5

I wasn’t as disappointed in the ending as I thought I would be. I think it did a nice job of piecing everything together. I think the pacing was my only issue. All of the mating happened so quick. I know they had a world to save, but I still felt it could have felt a little more special. Then our final battle scene that we have been waiting for since end of book 1 only lasted about 5 pages. With that being said, I’m not unhappy with the ending either. I thought everything that happened made sense and was definitely cool to read!
I still love Lorn and her mates so much. I really think she’s one of my favorite FMCs. She had her emotions in check even though everything was against her from the beginning, but she rose above it. She never stepped down from a challenge, which included fighting through her mate’s keeping their distance at times. She was very smart and I loved how she thought through her issues.
Overall, I am very happy with this series! It was really fun to read and definitely kept me entertained. I will definitely be picking up more reads by this author!