A review by helterskelliter
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón


“I am trying desperately to return to gone.” (20)

This collection of poetry touches on the ebb and glow of human nature and identity through these visceral and vivid reflections on waterways. It’s a theme that could be cliche but is, in Limon’s hands, made so tangible that it’s almost too overwhelming. The water trickles in, slowly filling the room and then your lungs and then, before you know it, you’re drowning. It’s quite poignant.

I especially appreciate the contrasts Limon cultivates in this collection. We have the perspective at water-level, on the flood plain, but we also get an aerial perspective of the land from this hummingbird that flits through the collection, providing this macro-but-personal view on how nature reacts to us. We are just as intertwined; the rubes that run through the land run through us. We are not as separate or insignificant as we fear.

Definitely recommend this collection! One of my favorite poets I’ve discovered this year! Limon has such beautiful-ugly lines in her work. She appreciates the world without sugarcoating it’s gnarls and teeth~