A review by cadiva
Bloom by Ruthie Luhnow


This is my favourite of the Boys of Bellamy Series so far. In this book Ruthie gives us an MC – Milo – who has been hurt by a previous relationship, and life in general, and who finds it difficult to let anyone in because of his fears of experiencing more pain.

But then along comes Rory, a boy who kissed him in high school and then disappeared from his life for a few years. A jock, a guy who on the face of it has it all. But Rory has just come out of a long relationship with his college sweetheart Georgina and he’s often wondered about the boy he kissed at school. He figures it’s time to explore his bisexuality and then his path collides once again with Milo.

This book examines beautifully the trust needed to go into a relationship with anyone irrespective of sexuality, race or gender. Having to open yourself up to emotions, even those of friendship only, can be hard and the reader gets an insight into both Milo and Rory’s mental confusions as they try to navigate through.

There’s a lot of laughter in this book, there’s friendship, the world building continues to expand on the previous two in the series and we get a peak at Jamie and Bennett’s ongoing HEA as well as meeting Kit again. This book, however, could be read as a standalone, there is plenty of explanation given as to who is who within the story and how they fit in without it being a rehash of the previous romances.

As is the case with this author, the romance is mostly sweet but with enough of an edge to stop it going over into saccharine territory and there’s low level angsting to keep the plot ticking over without it becoming a chore to read.

Hoping we’re getting Andy and Drew next.