A review by hoatzin
Starbird Murphy and the World Outside by Karen Finneyfrock


I like how there's ambiguity in the ending. Not everything is explained, not everything wraps up perfectly. EARTH goes to California to continue his thing, instead of being 'vanquished'. And it's not in the there's-going-to-be-a-sequel way, either. Instead you just and Starbird realize that her own life is more important than worrying about something she can't change anymore. I just like how it's realistic to life. Sometimes you don't get an explanation. Sometimes things just happen, or go unfulfilled, or peter off into nothingness. The author did the same thing with emotions and characters. She didn't describe the characters, she let their actions speak for them. For example, when Starbird goes to Ben's house and his dad acts a little stiff with her, Starbird just mentions it and lets it drop - just like you would in real life. You wouldn't spend a long time trying to psycho-analyze your friend's dad, you'd just dismiss it as 'weird grown-up stuff'. I like that. For once, 1st-person limited is actually following her own thought process.

I have some thoughts on the plot, too, but I'm tired and it's 1 in the morning. Maybe later. But it's unlikely.

(I also sat on the floor of a bookstore and read this from front to back, which made me forget to refill my parking meter, which 'won' me a $20 ticket. Joy.)