A review by sunfloweren
Credence by Penelope Douglas


DNF'd at page 369.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I tried to force myself to finish it because of how close I was to the end but I just can't do it. I'm an open minded person and I went into this book with an open mind, some of the things I enjoy are on the taboo side but this was truly just fucked up. I think what maybe frustrated me most about the whole thing was: Tiernan. I feel like she had the ability to be such an amazing, complex, interesting character and in truth she was what kept me reading even after I felt like I'd hit my 'what the fuck' quota but it was all for naught as I felt like towards the end, or at least as far as I got, that interesting character completely fell to the wayside. There was another major hurdle for me which I will discuss down below but as I go into spoilers and details please do not read ahead if you do not want to be spoiled.

TW: SA, Emotional Manipulation, Abuse

Don't even get me started on Kaleb...like I said I'm into the taboo shit but the second one party is saying the words 'stop' 'no' 'get off me' and the other party (in this case Kaleb) ignores her and fully intends to force himself on her until Tiernan literally has to physically slap him to get him to stop I'm out. I was also incredibly disturbed by how the narrative about it plays out, it's played like it wasn't actually SA because Tiernan had maybe wanted it at the beginning, finds him hot, and went on the sleep with him later in the book...which also had some dubious consent surrounding it as they'd just been through something traumatic, she was in shock, and also drunk. The hypocrisy the men show by being so over protective of her and literally almost killing dudes for touching her but then they do nothing after the Kaleb incident pissed me the fuck off. Don't even get me started on his POV chapter, it was fucking disgusting and served as the final straw for me to not finish the book. The relationships with the other men weren't particularly great either, the only one I thought maybe had some somewhat redeeming qualities at times was Noah but even he had his moments. I was rooting for none of these relationships, the intimate scenes were incredibly uncomfortable, and I was rooting for Tiernan to get off that god damn mountain.