A review by faeriesparks
Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett


This was fantastic. I was afraid it wouldn't live up to my expectations I had because of Night Owls but I thoroughly enjoyed Alex, Approximately.

I can't say how accurate these marginalized groups are represented but this book features a diverse cast of characters, including:
- Polynesian/Chinese love interest
- black side character (Nigerian, if I remember correctly)
- amputee side character
- disabled side character
- and though not stated, our MC deals with a few mental health issues (maybe PTSD? I can't say for sure)

If there are any #ownvoices reviews for these marginalized groups, I'd love if you could direct me to them (I haven't found any yet).

I adored the dialogue in this book. The dialogue is also what won me over with Night Owls and I've come to realise that Jenn Bennett is really, really great at writing fun but also meaningful dialogue. And don't even get me started on the sexual tension between Bailey and Porter. So fantastic.