A review by vhp
Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All by Karen Ehman


The first time I tried reading this book, I dnf'd it at page 19 when the author first and accurately mentions God's still small voice, but then farther down the page mentions three times the Holy Spirit's whisper. This is not in scripture. Every verse that mentions whisper is in a negative way. God doesn't whisper.
Secondly, I have issues with the many different versions used to fit what the author was trying to convey.
Thirdly, though there were some good points in the book, I wouldn't recommend this book to a new Christian, or even the "average" Christian; you know the ones that include worldly beliefs into their lives and call it spiritual but it isn't Biblical. i.e. yoga and the like. Or claiming piercing your ear is showing you're a slave of God or wearing a toe ring as a symbol of being a slave of God. These are pagan.
We're not slaves of God, we are children of God. We are not to mutilate our bodies to prove it either.